Monday, January 20, 2014

Week 30

Sorry, but I didn’t get any emails last week!
And so sorry I assumed so quickly that you didn’t send any!

So you want to ride a bike here?!
Please understand what goes on in a missionary's mind. Our biggest fear are those horror stories you hear about being forgotten - left behind and alone - and everyone has moved somewhere else back home. Yes we all laugh at them, but really inside we are petrified that it will happen to us.

So cool that Stevie is going on out! I know he will do great! Good to know that with Lauren and Stevie going I won’t be the only one serving from the Catoctin Ward. 

Thank you about the school advice. I think that is kind of what I was leaning for - to go back and finish and then look for something in my area of study - may be international - seems to make the most sense to me.

The reason why I keep bringing up my acne is because in Taiwan, within 1 minute of talking to me, the Taiwanese person starts talking to me about how bad my acne is. I’m used to it now, the culture is rather blunt, but they talk about it lots - well at least they speak to me : )

Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner!
Luckily we have a temple day coming up which means that in a couple weeks, my personal day will get messed around, so please don’t panic and worry if I’m late in getting emails out - like I did : (

This past week has been really long. We had lots of meetings and other administrative things we had to go to.  We have been ‘invited’ to do this when we introduce ourselves - touch our name tags and let the person know our purpose!  It has been a crazy challenge, and really scary at times, but it’s actually been working. Lots of people quickly steer clear of us but we know if they don’t run away when they read what our badge says that they probably actually have interest in why we are here - weird - but seems to work! So we are all to remember to be bold in what we do and everything else takes care of itself!  The Spirit rules!

I miss you all lots and love you all even more.

Thank you so much for all the support and love you all give me.

Elder Dickson

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